Friday, June 4, 2010

Your cell phone is frying your brain

Cell phones popping kernels of popcorn

I dont have much background on this clip.

But it does in fact seem to be legit.

be sure to try this if you can and report.

Man kills kitten over video game

Looks can be deceieving...sometimes...but not in this case. This Coolio looking asshole threw a kitten against a wall in front of his girlfriend and her children because the kitten distracted him from his video game.

This is not the first time a man has killed over video games. 3 toddlers have died in simular circumstances.

Anyone man or woman who cannot deal with a video game loss does not deserve to live in the non virtual world with us.

More detail from the Smoking Gun including police report.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You're hotness is my distraction?

Now I've heard some lame pickup lines in my life. In fact many of my so called friends still use lines. is a C.I.A. secret.

Most women are a immune.

I bring up pick up lines because this story screams of male dispointment. Specifically when it comes to rejection.

After reading this piece it's pretty easy to determine that going to this extent to fire a woman is based on revenge, not work performance or a problem with her attire.

33 year old Debrahlee Lorenzana has one hell of a case against Citibank.

Click the link for more detailed ignorance.