Thursday, December 30, 2010

Xzibit: "Pimp My Ride Made Me Broke"

Dumb doesnt cover this. X is now the new poster boy for immature spending habits. Why is he broke? Well 2 grand a month to LEASE a fucking Range Rover is a clue.

Click the story link to get into his business.

Xzibit: "Pimp My Ride Made Me Broke"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Power Yourself Up For 8 Hours With Milwaukee's M12 Heated Jacket

The Snuggie just got it's ass kicked. $100-130 is a bargain compared to frostbite. Check the details. They speak for themselves.

Power Yourself Up For 8 Hours With Milwaukee's M12 Heated Jacket

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kinect finally fulfills its Minority Report destiny (video) -- Engadget

When I bought my Kinect At launch people thought it would never be popular. But it seems someone hacks theirs once a day. This time MIT has hacked Kinect to reach for the fabled "Minority report" use. Looks like a success. Watch the video.

Kinect finally fulfills its Minority Report destiny (video) -- Engadget

Friday, June 4, 2010

Your cell phone is frying your brain

Cell phones popping kernels of popcorn

I dont have much background on this clip.

But it does in fact seem to be legit.

be sure to try this if you can and report.

Man kills kitten over video game

Looks can be deceieving...sometimes...but not in this case. This Coolio looking asshole threw a kitten against a wall in front of his girlfriend and her children because the kitten distracted him from his video game.

This is not the first time a man has killed over video games. 3 toddlers have died in simular circumstances.

Anyone man or woman who cannot deal with a video game loss does not deserve to live in the non virtual world with us.

More detail from the Smoking Gun including police report.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You're hotness is my distraction?

Now I've heard some lame pickup lines in my life. In fact many of my so called friends still use lines. is a C.I.A. secret.

Most women are a immune.

I bring up pick up lines because this story screams of male dispointment. Specifically when it comes to rejection.

After reading this piece it's pretty easy to determine that going to this extent to fire a woman is based on revenge, not work performance or a problem with her attire.

33 year old Debrahlee Lorenzana has one hell of a case against Citibank.

Click the link for more detailed ignorance.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sade returns

*Preimere* Sade – “Soldier Of Love” Video

After a long absences from music ( she always takes time with her albums )Sade Adu returns to save the world
from Beyonce records.

If you don't know or appreciate Sade...kill yourself.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nexus One- Let the Killing begin

So Google has done what we all suspected. They have released NEXUS ONE their designed cell phone headset.

Why does this matter?

Well Google is one of the worlds biggest and wealthiest companies. They became such a company based on a ad-based business model and quite frankly, giving consumers quite a bit of free software, email addresses, and many other FREE tools to the average and not so average comptuer user.

Much of what GOOGLES gives away for free would most certainly have been sold to the public for fees ( see ANYTHING Microsoft does ). This is a threat to companies like Microsoft as well as Web portals like AOL and Yahoo. But these days the company most afraid of GOOGLES "Robin Hood" approach to computer commerce and style is Apple.

The Iphone and Ipod saved Apples ass.

The company that really created personal compting has a reuptuation for extrodanary inovation and style. The iphone in particular is an amazing success and is the current leader in Smartphones. However. Apple is also one of the more parental companies on earth. While most are happy with their Iphones and very large contingent of user have become frustrated with they way their device is "locked down". What I mean is that Apple actually determines how the device you paid for will be used from now on. They accomplish this by preventing the user from altering the device outside of what Apple has decided is approriate. Huh?

Think an out of control DRM ( Digital rights management )policy. For example. I bought my 3 year old son some cupcakes yesterday. It as if the Supermarket can decide when and where he can eat them and in what manner. No eating in front of the tv, only eat the frosting at first etc. Apple does this with their handsets. In addition they charge for software updates that give users things like Copy and Paste functions. Pay? For Copy and Paste? Yep..and so far Apple and it's band of loyal ( sometimes computer ignorant ) users have had their way with this business model. Apple has shrugged off those who are not happy with the endless crappy Apps in their Application Store or it's Developer approval process. Apple has approved and removed Apps for little or no reason given, They have left certain Apps in limbo indefinately. In particular Google Voice.

Apple has not been paying attention. They still belivee that the average computer user is the teen watching 90210 in the 90s and all they need to do is a little product placement , great packaging and cute commercials to get user loyalty.

Times have changed.

Especially for the average computer user. My 3 year old son is more skilled at my Ipod touch than my sister, mother and wife all college educated women. I'm guessing that with his natural interest in computers and his age, that the average teen will be in possession of some serrious hardware and software computer wise. I'm encouraged by my sons early independance. Apple computers and Steve Jobs seem fearful that my son may one day personalize an Apple product.

As I acclimate myself to my Nexus One ( quite easily I might add )I will report the new Smartphone landscape as I see it. I must admit. I love my Ipod Touch. I can do amazing things with it and it has improved my life, but if you've ever seen "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey you'll remember that safe is not the same as satisfied.